V Rock Disney

Format: Mp3/320kbps

1. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (‘Fantasia’) – NIGHTMARE
2. Friend Like Me (‘Aladdin’) – NIGHTMARE
3. Beauty and the Beast (‘A Bela e a Fera) – Kawamura Ryuuichi
4. Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (‘Lilo & Stitch’) – PENICILLIN
5. Chim Chim Cheree (‘Mary Poppins’) – Plastic Tree
6. This Is Halloween (‘O Estranho Mundo de Jack) – Sadie
7. Can You Feel the Love Tonight (‘O Rei Leão’) – Aoi
8. Supercalifraglisticexpialidocious (‘Mary Poppins’) – THE KIDDIE
9. When You Wish Upon a Star (‘Pinóquio’) – NINJAMAN JAPAN
10. Heigh-Ho (‘Branca de Neve e os sete anões’) – CASCADE
11. You’ll Be In My Heart (‘Tarzan’) – DASEIN


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